Dental Implant Singapore

Infographic of dental implant done on patient's teeth.
Elderly male and female expressing their satisfaction and happiness after dental implant procedure.
Infographic of dental implant done on patient's teeth.

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing or damaged teeth in Singapore. A dental implant is a small, titanium screw that is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as the foundation for a replacement tooth. Once the implant has fused with the jawbone, a custom-made dental crown is attached to the top of the implant, giving the patient a natural-looking and fully functional tooth.

Dental implants are generally considered a safe and long-term investment for patients. If you are considering dental implants, please feel free to discuss your concerns, the pros and cons with our friendly staff over at True Dental Studio.

Dental Implants: Screw Retained

There are two common methods of securing them to the underlying teeth: screw retained and cement retained. Each method has its own advantages and considerations.

Screw retained implants involve the use of a small screw that is tightened to secure the dental restoration in place. Since the restoration is secured with a screw, it can be easily removed if necessary for repair, replacement, or adjustments.

At True Dental Studio, the majority of our implants utilize the screw retained method as this provides excellent stability and strength, ensuring a secure fit of the restoration. Screw retained dental implants may be costlier than those of cement retained, but we strongly recommend these as they are a better long term investment with less maintenance, discomfort or inconvenience for our patients.

Dental Implant consultation from $25 to $60. Book your appointment easily with our friendly staff through WhatsApp. We will respond ASAP, latest within 2 business days.
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Why Choose True Dental's Dental Implant Treatment?

Dental Implant Cost Singapore

Treatment Price*
Consultation $25 to $60
Dental Implant From $3500 (partially MediSave-claimable)

*All prices are NETT.

How do I book a Dental Implant appointment?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes you are allowed to. You may use up to $950 for each insertion of dental implant, up to $450 for each removal of dental implant and up to $300 for consultation, Dental X-Ray and consumables.

At True Dental Studio, we completely understand some of the pain concerns our patients may have. We aim to minimize any discomfort involved with dental implants. If you still have further concerns with pain, talk to our friendly team to see how we can further accommodate you.

Generally, a dental implant lasts between 10 to 30 years. At True Dental Studio, patients have a choice of either the Osstem (Hossain) dental implant or the Straumann dental implant. The Straumann dental implants also come with lifetime warranty for the implant parts (subject to T&C).